How to Ride the Waves Like a Pro - Learn Surfing in The Beautiful Beaches at the Sunshine Coast
Have you been dreaming of riding the waves into freedom in tune with the rhythm of the ocean? Surfing is a wonderous water sport. Nothing compares to the sense of adventure and absolute bliss. But, as in everything worth experiencing, there is a learning curve to surfing. In this article, we discuss the most important points to consider if you are planning to learn to surf.
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Prepare for the learning curve
Surfing is a complex sport, and it requires a lot of concentration, coordination and balancing. When you go out there to conquer the waves, you’ll soon figure out that each wave is a law unto its own. The wind tides and swells shape and control each wave. It is going to be difficult. You have to mentally prepare for the challenges and thrills. And, when you first catch your ‘green wave’ you’ll find that the trouble was worth your while. You’ll be hooked, but the battle will go on. You will get wiped out repeatedly. Hence, it is important to go with the flow as you go through the learning curve. When you first start, choose one location such as Alexandra Headlands Hotel if you are in the Sunshine Coast, and keep at it. There are plenty of hotels to choose from in the area such as the Oaks Sunshine Coast Seaforth Resort.
Pick a suitable surfboard
Choosing the right surfboard is an integral part of your surfing journey. The right surfboard can make all the difference between riding waves and catching none. When you first surf, you need plenty of volume. Go for either a longboard or a foam board. These boards are wide and thick, but not too long, which means that the nose tends to not dive too often. You should also buy a sturdy lease that is practically the same length as your board. You’ll also need a wetsuit.
Pick a safe surfing spot
The rule of thumb that surfers swear by is starting on a beach break. This of course is true. But, remember to choose a sandy break. You don’t want to fall on rocks or corals. But, some sandy beach breaks are more suited for pros while some rocky breaks can work well for beginners. And, some breaks work well for beginners on some days, and so much on other days. All this depend on the wave conditions. You should definitely work with an experienced (and local) instructor to be on the safe side. You can also search surfing websites to find out daily updates about specific locations. These sites are helpful and provide useful tips.
Beginner surf spot guide – point by point
Here is our point by point guide to picking a beginner’s surf spot.
- Pick a spot with an easy paddle out with a channel. You will save energy.
- Find a well-defined peak that is easy to read and most importantly breaks both ways. This way you can spot waves easily, and stay at the right spot to catch them.
- Look for waves that spill instead of throwing. This allows you ample time to prepare for turning.
- Pick a consistent spot. Repetition will give you confidence.
Learn the basics well at first
Get your instructor or a pro to demonstrate the techniques. It is important to learn the proper techniques from the beginning. If you start by mastering the wrong techniques, you will end up getting into trouble and ‘unlearning’ wrong moves. As any surfer would tell you, bad habits are hard to let go of. Find a reliable instructor or a trusted (surfer) friend to show you all the correct techniques. Watching a few videos from trusted sources is a good way to start learning. And, start slowly. There is no hurry.
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